Sunday 28 April 2013

Rainbows and Butterflies

Rainbows and butterflies! There is nothing sweeter than a beautifully iced and decorated celebration cake and to cut the first slice to reveal the most stunning, vibrant colours inside as well as out.

275g Caster sugar
275g Soft butter
275g Self raising flour
3 Large eggs
1tbs sour cream
1tsp Vanilla extract
1tsp Baking powder
Food colouring gels/paste NOT liquid food colouring.

Cream butter and sugar together and add each egg one at a time beating well at each addition and add the vanilla extract and sour cream. Then add the sifted flour and baking powder and give it a final mix. Don't over beat it! But make sure it's lovely pale and fluffy. Divide batter into 6 bowls and colour in your chosen colours. Remembering to go slightly darker as the cake changes depth of colour once baked.

Now this is where you can play with how the cake works. You can use cupcake cases. This mix should yield approx 18 to 24 standard cupcakes. Or two 7" sandwich tins one 8" deep cake tin.

I'm using the 8" in this one. Line one 8" deep cake tin and select your first colour. Pour batter into the middle of the tin. Then select the next contrasting colour and repeat, pouring each colour into the centre of the previous colour and repeat until all batter has been used. This looks great in graduated shades of the same colour going darker to lighter.

Bake cake in a preheated oven at 160 for 1hr 15mins. Test my putting a skewer in the middle of the cake and if it comes out clean its ready.

Method for cupcakes.
Place a small amount of each coloured cake batter in the case until 3/4 full. Bake for 18 minutes.

7" sandwich tins use 5 colours of cake batter. Grease and line the two tins and place a 5th of batter into each one and spread out evenly. Bake them for 20 mins on 160 until the cakes coming away from the sides of the tin and cooked through with a skewer. Repeat until each colour has been baked and allow to cool and then sandwich the layers with buttercream. And voila!

Another cute method is to do spoonfuls of batter in alternating colours in the large 8" tin and bake as above.

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