Saturday 10 January 2015


A tunisian vegetable and lamb pattie. These could easily be made meat free and are totally delicious. They have a beautiful crunchy outside and yummy imside. I would serve these with some greek yoghurt swirled with harissa or a lovely cucumber and yoghurt dressing. Nice hot or cold or stuffed into a warm pitta bread filled with crunchy salad! 

Bunch of Parsley
Bunch of Dill
4 x Spring onions
500g Chard or spinach if you can't find chard. 
1 cup of Peas fresh or frozen
3 cloves of Garlic chopped
1 cup of Couscous
1 cup of Cornmeal or fine polenta or semolina. 
1 heaped dessert spoon of paprika or cayenne depending how spicy you like it. 
Seasoning of salt and black pepper
1 tsp of Turmeric
Small pieces of lamb liver or half a tin chickpeas. 
2 or 3 Eggs to bind the mix. Add another egg if you feel the mix is not moist enough to come together. But keep in mind the couscous will absorb the egg. 

Pop the chard, spring onions, garlic and herbs pulse in a food processor with the fine couscous. But don't over blitz it you want them combined not pulverised. Add the chickpeas at this stage if using. 

Chop the liver  and mix with the  paprika/cayenn, seasoning, turmeric, semolina and eggs. Then in a very large bowl mix in with the chopped herbs etc and make into patties and fry in oil until deep brown and crispy. 

Traditionally served as they are hot with a spicy tomato sauce as my family do. These are packed full of veg and are so tasty. Easily omit the liver to make this a lovely veggie dish. Or swap it with some minced chicken breast. I like a squirt of lemon over them when I eat them piping hot as they come. 

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