Monday 31 December 2012

Chocolate mess

I've just eaten the most delicious dessert and its so quick and simple you won't believe the results! It's from a favourite cook of mine Lotte Duncan of Lotte's Kitchen.

It makes quite a big dessert so I've halved it for a more reasonably sized family Pud.

500g fresh vanilla custard (shop bought)
100g dark chocolate
100g milk chocolate
250g crushed amarreti biscuits
A shot of amaretto or Tia Maria or Rum
300ml softly whipped cream

Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl and leave to cool for a few minutes. Best in ready made custard until combined.

Crumble amaretti biscuits into your large glass serving bowl and douse with half the booze. Top with half the chocolate custard and repeat the layers again with the biscuit, the custard and the booze and top with lightly whipped cream. Mmmmmmnnm scrummy yummy in my tummy!!! Please make it to believe it! Lotte is amazing and her recipes are so easy and delicious and make me feel totally at ease and accomplished in the kitchen.

Sunday 30 December 2012

Alison's Turkey Divan

I popped over to see my lovely family on Thursday and had this delicious supper cooked for me by Doreen. Its such a lovely way to make leftover christmas dinner turkey taste scrumptious and I love the name as well 'Turkey Divan'

225g Cooked broccoli and green beans or sugar snap peas
3tbsp Parmesan grated
350g cooked turkey cubed cooked easily use chicken etc.

Creamy Sauce
3tbsp butter
3tbsp flour
1/2pt milk
1 chicken stock cube
Black pepper
1/4pt single cream
2-3tbsp sherry
2 egg yolks
2 tbsp thick cream
1tsp dijon mustard

Drain cooked broccoli and arrange over base of heat proof dish and sprinkle with some of the cheese. Make the sauce starting with a roux from the butter and flour add the milk and then the stock cube and the rest of the sauce ingredients. Keep stirring until you have a thickened unctuous sauce. Spoon cooked sauce over broccoli and beans, then layer turkey and top with remaining sauce and sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake for 30 minutes in a hot oven.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Jamie Oliver's Get Ahead Ultimate Gravy

Jamie Oliver's Ultimate Gravy

I think Jamie Oliver is fantastic and I have a culinary crush on him and his kitchen. His ultimate get ahead gravy is amazing for Christmas and I am making my batch right now ahead of the game for Christmas dinner! Really can't recommend this recipe enough its fabulous!
Jamie Oliver's Ultimate Gravy

. 2 celery sticks, trimmed and roughly chopped
. 2 carrots, roughly sliced
. 2 onions, peeled and quartered
. 5 fresh bay leaves
. 5 fresh sage leaves
. 4 sprigs of fresh rosemary
. 2 star anise
. 2 rashers of smoked streaky bacon, the best quality you can afford
. 8 chicken wings
. olive oil
. sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
. 4 tablespoons plain flour
. optional: 60ml sherry or port
. 2 heaped dessertspoons cranberry sauce, for finishing

Preheat the oven to 200ºC/400ºF/gas 6. Put the veg, herbs and star anise into a sturdy bottomed roasting tray. Scatter the bacon on top. Break the chicken wings open then put them onto a board and bash the bones up with the end of a rolling pin; this will release more of their flavour. Put them in the pan, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle over a few pinches of salt and pepper then toss everything together and put the tray in the oven to cook for 1 hour, or until the meat is tender and falling off the bone.

Take the pan out of the oven, and put it on a hob over a low heat and use a potato masher to really grind and mash everything up. Keep mashing, moving and scraping all the goodness from the bottom of the pan as you go. Gradually mix in the flour to thicken the mixture. The longer you let everything fry, the darker your gravy will be. When the flour is combined pour in 2 litres of hot water, turn the heat up and bring to the boil for 10 minutes, till thickened, then turn down the heat and simmer for about 25 minutes, stirring occasionally. If you want to add 60ml sherry or port for flavour, do that now.

When it’s reached the consistency you’re looking for, check the seasoning then push it through a sieve into a large bowl. Really push and mash everything through so you get as much flavour as possible. Discard anything left behind. Once it has cooled down to room temperature put it into containers or freezer bags and pop it in your freezer. You’ll finish it off on Christmas Day.

Finishing the gravy
To finish the gravy, take your it out of the freezer when you’re ready to cook your turkey. That way, it will defrost as your turkey cooks. When the turkey is perfectly cooked, put a carving fork inside the cavity and use that to pick the bird up and tilt it over the pan so all of the juices inside run out.

Spoon away as much of the fat as possible, then pour your pre-made gravy into the pan with the rest of the turkey juices. Bring it to the boil over the hob and scrape all those flavourful bits and pieces from the bottom of the pan. Have a taste then add the cranberry sauce. It won’t taste sweet but it will add a wicked background flavour.

Once your gravy is piping hot, strain it through a sieve and into a pan. Leave that on the lowest heat to tick away until you’re ready to serve. Skim away any fat that rises to the top and add any extra resting juices from the turkey before serving.

St Clements Sponge Cake

So I've been baking up a storm these last few weeks and neglected my lovely blog. To atone for this here is my luscious st Clements cake which is gorgeous and moist and perfect for a birthday cake. This makes a 20cm round or 36 cupcakes or a large tray bake.

350g caster sugar
350g soft butter
350g self raising flour
175g plain flour
6 large eggs
Zest of two oranges
2tbsp juice from the orange
1tbsp lemon curd
1tsp baking powder

Cream butter and sugar together and add each egg one at a time beating well at each addition. After 3 eggs have been added add a little of the flour and the remaining eggs as above. Then add zest of orange, juice and lemon curd and sifted flours and baking powder and give it a final mix. Don't over beat it! But make sure it's lovely pale and fluffy.

Pop into a prepared tin on cupcake cases and bake for 1hr 15mins for a cake or 18mins for cupcakes at 180c checking a few minutes before the end.

Once cakes cooled split the cake and sandwich with lemon buttercream and lemon curd. And if you really want to go the extra you can ice it like I have.

Saturday 8 December 2012

Smoked Salmon mousse

I love smoked salmon and I love canapés! This filling is so versatile. You can fill croustades, vol au vents, stuff cherry tomatoes, top bilinis and spread on toasted sliced baguette rounds.

200g good quality smoked salmon
100g cream cheese
1tbsp creme Fraiche
Zest of lemon and juice of half
Black lumpfish caviar

Put all the ingredients into a food processor except the chives and caviar and blitz until a soft purée. Then top your chosen base and decorate with chives and caviar! Easy and really delicious!