Monday 31 December 2012

Chocolate mess

I've just eaten the most delicious dessert and its so quick and simple you won't believe the results! It's from a favourite cook of mine Lotte Duncan of Lotte's Kitchen.

It makes quite a big dessert so I've halved it for a more reasonably sized family Pud.

500g fresh vanilla custard (shop bought)
100g dark chocolate
100g milk chocolate
250g crushed amarreti biscuits
A shot of amaretto or Tia Maria or Rum
300ml softly whipped cream

Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl and leave to cool for a few minutes. Best in ready made custard until combined.

Crumble amaretti biscuits into your large glass serving bowl and douse with half the booze. Top with half the chocolate custard and repeat the layers again with the biscuit, the custard and the booze and top with lightly whipped cream. Mmmmmmnnm scrummy yummy in my tummy!!! Please make it to believe it! Lotte is amazing and her recipes are so easy and delicious and make me feel totally at ease and accomplished in the kitchen.

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