Wednesday 31 October 2012

Carrie's Flakey Veggie Slice

This is a recipe my friend Carrie made me for dinner one evening when I was feeling very lost and lonely. Its so good and when I asked her for the recipe so I could write it on my blog she said "errr there isn't one, I just use what I have in the fridge"  So here goes Carrie's veggie slice that even full on carnivores will devour with relish.

1 packet of puff pastry
1 cup of grated hard cheese
1 beaten egg - to glaze the pastry
1 onion sliced
6 Chestnut mushrooms sliced
1 large courgette grated
1 large carrot grated
1 sliced yellow/red pepper
A handful of peas or soya beans or sweetcorn.

Take away or add whatever veg you like from the above.

Roll out puff pastry into a large rectangle. Mix your prepared vegetables, and cheese in a bowl and season with a little salt and pepper. You don't want this mixture to be too wet otherwise you will get a soggy bottom on your pastry, and nobody likes a soggy bottom.

Place along the long edge of your pastry and roll up tightly like a giant sausage roll and place on the lined baking tray with the seam underneath. Brush with the beaten egg and pop in the oven at 200 C and bake for 35 minutes until the pastry is golden and the cooked through.

Slice and serve with a nice salad or boiled new potatoes.

Tuna Rice

I first had this made for me by my darling friend Abrar and as her name suggests she is just magic in the kitchen. Now I wasn't too keen when I heard what we were having for dinner as I am a fuss pot when it comes to Tuna, especially when its served hot. Unless its a seared Tuna steak that is. However, I can safely say this is fast becoming one of my all time favourites and I have An'aam, Abrar's cousin working for me so when ever I feel the need for comfort food I get a huge portion of this brought in by An'aam and I am a very lucky, happy and satisfied girlie.

So here is the recipe An'aam's Mum makes us on a regular basis.

2 peeled and diced potatoes (1 inch)
1 mug/cup Basmati rice
1 1/2 cups of water (use the same mug you measured the rice)
2 medium onions chopped.
1tsp Paprika
1/2tsp Cumin
1tsp Chilli powder
2 green or red chillies
2-3 tbsp of Tomato purée
1 drained tin of Tuna
Season to taste
Couple of squirts of fry spray or a little plain vegetable oil.

Fry onions, in fry spray until softened, add the spices and mix into the onions and fry for a few minutes – add drained tuna and fresh chopped chilli. Add the tomato purée and potatoes mix well. When the ingredients starts to stick to the pan add the rice and coat with the onion, tuna, spice mix and then add 1 and ½water per cup of rice. 
You may need to add more water as potatoes soak up the water
Add the salt once the water begins to dry upput the cooker on the lowest heat and cover (don’t touch it) and leave forabout 10mins (don’t mix the food just let the water dry up)

Really, really delicious and if using Tuna in spring water free on EE SW. My friends add tinned sweetcorn or peas as well but I like it naked so to speak. This is a carb fuelled internal comfort blanket. So delicious. 

Halloween feast

I did it! Not to the great success I wanted too, but that comes from not giving myself enough time to create my cake toppers and trying to do too much in a short space of time. Anyway here's a little photo gallery of my chocolate trick or treat cake, vanilla pumpkin cupcakes and cookies and cream cake pops!
The girls Paula & Katie, in the office also made pumpkin cupcakes, meringue bones, ghost biscuits and mummified sausages. Yummy yummy.

Gourgeres aka Cheese puffs

I adore these little cheesy morsels. I first had then in France with Frank & Jo at the Saturday market in Samur where the market stall owners make these gorgeous savoury treats on site and people queue to grab a bag of them fresh from the oven for a couple of euros. I've researched this recipe extensively and have found many different variations but my favourite is with cheddar and a little Parmesan. Not quite traditional but gorgeous. I believe gruyere is the traditional cheese but I'd use any favourite hard cheese you have left over.

Makes about 20 to 30 depending on size.

4 eggs
150ml water
150 g of grated cheese
150 g sifted flour
110 g butter
1/2tsp salt
A pinch grated nutmeg
Salt and pepper
You can also add a little dried or fresh thyme, or some snipped chives or parsley to the choux pastry.

Preheat oven to 200 ° C
In a saucepan, bring the water to a boil with the butter and salt. Remove from heat, add flour all at once. Mix quickly, and cook for further 1 minute over low heat. Please be careful as this mix can catch. Let cool a few minutes and add the eggs one at a time, mixing well with each addition. Add the grated cheese, nutmeg, pepper and herbs if using.
now you can either pipe this mixture or place the choux pastry with 2 teaspoons in separate little piles on a greased baking sheet.
Bake 25 minutes until golden brown.

Mine always deflate a little after they've sat on the cooking rack but I've decided I don't care as the ones I eat in Samur go a little flat as well, so it obviously meant to happen. Seriously this recipe is easy peasy and fantastic as nibbles with drinks and great for Christmas or parties. Seriously worth trying! These are regularly requested by An'aam and the girls at work.

Monday 29 October 2012

Peanut Butter Fudge

I want to make something sweet and naughty for Bon Fire Night. So I found in my recipe file a recipe for fudge by Sophie Dahl and decided I will make it and see if I can avoid setting my kitchen alight.

125g butter
500gdark brown sugar
120ml milk
250g crunchy peanut butter
1 vanilla pod, seeds only
300g icing sugar

Melt the butter in a saucepan over a medium heat. Stir in the brown sugar and milk, and bring to the boil for 2-3 minutes, without stirring.
Remove from the heat, and stir in the peanut butter and vanilla seeds.
Add the icing sugar in a large bowl, and pour the hot butter and
sugar mixture on top. Using a wooden spoon, beat the mixture until
5. Pour into a 20cm/8in square baking tray, and set aside to cool
slightly, then place in the fridge to chill completely.
6. Cut the fudge into squares with a sharp knife, turn out of the tin and
store in an airtight container.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Heheee courgette soup

This is another fantastic, tasty, simple, healthy soup from the fabulous Sandra! I've called it Heehee Courgette Soup because my husband says that's the noise Sandra makes when she's laughing. This I must point out has been refuted by the lady herself but none the less it always makes me smile when Feyez does his impression of Sandra.

3 courgettes chopped
One onion finely chopped
2 Cloves of garlic crushed
Vegetable stock cube
1 ltr water
Salt and pepper
Olive oil or fry spray

Sweat onion, garlic and courgette in a little oil until softened. Add stock cube and enough water to cover. Bring to the boil and simmer for 20 mins. Blitz with a stick blender until smooth and enjoy! Season to taste. If you like your soup thicker use less water and if you like it thinner add a little more :)

If you use fry spray this is free on the SW extra easy plan.

My Perfect Yorkshire puddings and Nanny's roof hitters.

I will confess this is not my only Yorkie Pud recipe, but my other is my Nanny's recipe and is not weighed out at all. It's all measured by eye and feel. I've included the directions for that one below.

6 eggs
1/2pint of milk
260g flour
Salt and pepper
Goose fat

Hot oven 25 mins 180c

Chuck all the ingredients into a large bowl or food processor and blitz until smooth. Then most importantly. Leave it to rest for 20 mins. This will give you a chance to get the tin your going to use nice and hot in the oven. Put your goose or duck fat or vegetable oil. Not olive oil for this. It's got a lower smoking point and will taste bitter when it burns. Then just before your going to pour your batter into the hot smoking fat. Whisk in one ice cube and then pour into the tin or bun tins straight into the oven on high for 20 mins and they will be towering gorgeous purses for your gravy or Golden syrup and double cream! Mmmmmm yummy!

Nanny's Yorkies
2-3 eggs
Self raising flour
Salt & pepper

Whisk eggs in a large bowl and beat in 4 tablespoons of flour adding a little milk at a time to loosen the mixture, keep whisking add a little milk at a time until you get a nice smooth batter the consistency of double cream. You might need more flour but you'll feel it and add a little at a time. Place in the fridge to rest. There didn't seem to be any time restrictions on this. Nanny would often get on with cooking the rest of the roast dinner and then once the meat was out of the oven resting, she would pop the tins for the Yorkies in the oven with duck fat or lard until they were blisteringly smoking hot and then add a tablespoon of cold water to the batter mix and beat in and then pour into the hot fat tins and straight into the oven for 20-25 mins. They used to be massive and once the rose so high they hit the roof of the oven. My Nanny was the best!

Saturday 27 October 2012

Hot tea smoked chicken breast.

I first made this under the instruction of Mafia Mum and was dubious to say the least. Firstly why would you and secondly was it actually going to work? Well I can safely say I was 15 years old at the time and felt I was a culinary genius after tasting the results. All credit to Ma. You could do this with a salmon fillet or a duck breast as well.

Skinless, boneless chicken breasts
A little soy sauce to brush over the chicken.
One cup of loose leaf tea (jasmine teas nice but I did once use Red Label)
One cup of rice (any kind)
Half a cup of sugar
A couple of bay leaves
Pan with a lid.
Tin foil
Small plate

Line frying pan with tin foil leaving plenty of over hang. Place the tea, rice and sugar mixed together in the frying pan. Cover with the overhanging tin foil. Ensuring its well sealed. Place a small plate on top of the foil covered tea mixture and top with your chicken breasts, which you've seasoned with soy sauce. You can poke a couple of holes in the foil if you want too.

With another piece of foil cover the pan with the foil like a tight lid and clamp the lid down bringing any loose foil up over the sides to give a nice seal. Place on the hob for 15 minutes. If you've done everything nice and tight only a very small amount of smoke should escape the rest should be trapped in the pan under the lid and foil. After 15 mins turn off the pan and leave for at least an hour. Don't be tempted to lift the lid during this time. Once it's cooled you should remove the chicken and it will be cooked perfectly all the way through, and have a delicate flavour of the tea smoke. Slice on a diagonal and have in a salad.

I'd wrap a slice of Parma ham around it for a saltiness if not using soy. But then quickly colour it off in a frying pan to get it nice and crispy.

You can season your raw chicken anyway you like before you smoke it. Also add star anise, coriander or cumin seeds, whatever you want to the smoking mixture.

The tin foil is a necessity or you'll have a burnt mess on the bottom of your pan. Be careful that you don't discard this when its hot because sugar is lethal when hot. Another reason to like it is you only have to wash the little plate!!!

Fierce garlic prawns

This is my favourite lunch dish. Mum and I used to have this on a Saturday afternoon after the Sainsburys shopping had been done. It's based on a recipe by Nigella, but tweaked again by little ol' me. I prefer raw shell on prawns but I've used cooked peeled prawns with great success!

Raw prawns shell on or peeled
25g butter
Glug of olive oil
2 cloves of garlic crushed
Glass of dry white wine
Dash Nampla (fish sauce)
Red chilli finely chopped or 1/2tsp dried chilli flakes
Black pepper to taste
Squeeze of lemon and fresh parsley chopped to garnish.

Glug of oil and butter into a large frying pan or wok. Throw in the garlic and chilli or chilli flakes soften for a few minutes and then add in prawns and coat with the garlicky buttery oil. As the prawns start to turn pink add the wine and Nampla give it a good toss through. Season with black pepper. There is no salt in this dish as the Nampla is very salty already.
Once the prawns are cooked or heated through give it a squeeze of lemon juice scatter with chopped parsley and serve with lots of fresh crusty bread and a nice big salad. Sublime!

Mussels Tunisiana

Now strictly speaking this is not an authentic Tunisian recipe. It's merely my take on how to cook Mussels with the Tunisian holy trinity of onions, garlic, chilli and the obligatory spices, which gives it the flavours of Tunis.
Fresh mussels are really cheap and so easy to cook!

Fresh mussels cleaned and debearded and any that remain open after a sharp tap discarded.
1 chopped onion
3 garlic cloves crushed
4-5 fresh tomatoes diced
2 red chillies sliced
Olive oil
Water or small glass of white wine
1tsp turmeric
1tsp cayenne pepper
1tsp ground cumin
1tsp ground coriander
1tsp Harissa
Handful of parsley chopped
Juice of half a lemon

In a large roasting tin on the hob sweat the onion, garlic and spices in a little oil until soft and then add the diced tomatoes and chilli. Stir through and add the Harissa and just a little water to moisten the mixture. Scatter the cleaned mussels evenly in one layer across the roasting tin. At this stage add a cup of water or if using wine a glass of wine and bring to the boil. Place in the oven at 200c for 15 minutes or until all the mussels have opened. Remove from oven and scatter with parsley and sprinkle over the lemon juice. Discard any unopened mussels and serve with fresh bread or fries. Mmmmmm mmmmm!!!!!!

You could also use a lager instead of water or wine. Yummy!!

Not overly dissimilar to Mr Oliver's Mussels on 15MM. But I like to think mine are as good!

Friday 26 October 2012

Stilton Port & Walnut Pâté

I had a Stilton and walnut pâté as a starter at The Sign of the Angel in Lacock last summer. it was at my Hen weekend and I was too drunk to ask the chef for the recipe, but I googled various recipes and cobbled together this beauty from the results.

125g Stilton Cheese, rind removed and cubed
100g Full fat soft cream cheese (Philidelphia)
50g Butter, softened
125g Chopped, toasted Walnuts
Cox's apple, peeled, cored and diced.
3tbs Port

Place the cheeses, butter, and port in a food processor and process until the mixture is smooth.

Put the cheese mixture in a mixing bowl, add the walnuts and apple and mix thoroughly.

Fill individual ramekins or a terrine lined in cling film with the pate, cover with cling film and chill well at least an hour until ready to serve.

Enjoy with crusty bread, toast, crackers and lots of grapes and celery.

If you omit the apple this can be made up to 3 weeks in advance.

I would also add chopped celery if you like it to the pate mix as its gives it a crunch and makes it lighter. 

French Madeleine's

Light as air, taste of heaven there are no other words needed. Trust me just make them and eat them. I got this recipe off of a website after finding another pan Mum had persuaded me to buy from Lakeland. Mum always got me to buy her several packets of the Bon Mamman Madeleine's from my numerous French trips over the years and it became such a regular trip I never bothered to make these for her and its something I will always regret because she deserved to have these made for her every day. Even if she was a diabetic!!!!

2 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
125g icing sugar
100g plain flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
125g butter, melted and cooled
Zest of half an unwaxed lemon

Preheat the oven to 190 C. Grease and flour 24 Madeleine moulds.

In a bowl beat eggs, vanilla and lemon zest with an electric mixer on high speed for 5 minutes. Gradually beat in the icing sugar. Beat for 5 to 7 minutes or until thick and ribbony. It will increase in volume and this is what makes them lighter than air.

Sift together the flour and baking powder. Sift 1/4 of the flour over the egg mixture, gently fold in. Fold in the remaining flour a couple of spoonfuls at a time. Then fold in the melted and cooled butter. Spoon batter into the prepared moulds. Don't over fill. They puff up and rise really well so its not necessary.
Bake in the preheated oven for 10 to 12 minutes or until the edges are golden and the tops spring back. Cool in moulds on a rack for 1 minute. Loosen with a knife. Invert onto a rack and cool. Sift icing sugar over the tops or melt plain chocolate and dip the tips in the chocolate.

Get the kettle on and enjoy with a nice strong cuppa! 

Thursday 25 October 2012

Slimming worlds speed soup

Its no secret I'm trying to lose weight and being the over eater and baker I am this isn't easy. But four weeks in and I'm positively evangelical about SW. I found this on my SW group Facebook page. Not sure where it originated from. This recipe is free on the Extra Easy plan and is called speed soup as its meant to really boost your weight loss.

2 tins of toms
1 x tin green lentil
1x tin mixed bean salad or chickpeas
Handful of red split lentils
4x carrots chopped
1 red, & yellow pepper
1 onion
2 leeks
1 tin of baken beans
mixed herbs
1tsp turmeric
2 x stock cubes

Put everything in a large pan and cover with water and bring to the boil and simmer until soft. About 20 mins.

Can be left as a chunky stew or blitz until smooth.

I cannot promise that the volume of noxious gas produced under the duvet won't be increases tenfold but I can promise its full of beans and vitamins and fat busting yummyness.

Corrie-Drayton Chicken

I could eat coronation chicken all day and all night! I don't like sultanas in my recipe but if you do chuck them in. Seriously I'd slather this all over a jacket potato or inside a fresh croissant. Yummy yum yum! You can use less chicken and more celery, tomatoes etc to bulk it out and make it stretch even further.

A little Oil
Small onion diced finely.
1tsp ground cumin
2-3tbs Tikka paste (pattaks is the best)
250g Greek yoghurt
2tbs Mayonnaise
1 dessert spoon of mango chutney
1kg cooked shredded chicken
3 spring onions chopped
Handful of chopped parsley
1 stick celery sliced
Handful of roughly chopped toasted pecans.
Season to taste.

Fry together onions, cumin and tikka paste until soft and unctuous. Put into a large bowl and leave to cool.

Once cool mix with 250g Greek yoghurt, Mayo and mango chutney then add cooked chicken, celery, spring onions and parsley.

Serve as you like with a big salad, jacket potato or in a wrap. I also like adding a diced tomato and apple as well, which makes it go even further.

I don't know how many this serves as I'm a greedy wench, but certainly 4 hungry people. Easily half quantities if you prefer a more manageable amount.

Omri's seafood ojja

Like it spicy? You're going to love, love, love ojja. My Omri Feyez makes the tastiest ojja, which is basically a simple, very quick Tunisian tomato and chilli based stew. This is the seafood version but Feyez often makes it with small cubed potato replacing the seafood to make it totally vegetarian friendly.

4 garlic cloves
1 onion
4 fresh tomatoes chopped up in a small dice
3 tsp tomato purée
2tsp Harissa
Cup water
1tbsp Oliver oil
Seafood (one frozen seafood mix)
Two far green chillies
1tsp cayenne pepper
1tsp ground caraway or coriander

Soften the onions, garlic and tomato dice in the oil for a few minutes. Add 3 teaspoons of tomato purée
to the pan and mix well.
2 tsp Harissa to pan and stir small cup of water added to pan and stir and reduce slightly.
Add defrosted seafood to pan and salt black pepper and one heaped tsp of cayenne pepper. The sauce should thicken and meld together nicely. Add chopped green chilli and caraway to pan and stir heat through thoroughly for about 10 minutes. Serve in a bowl with lots of crusty bread and if you like a fried egg on top to make it extra dippy scrumptious.

Sandra's onion soup

I am very lucky I have a beautiful friend Sandra and along with my BFF they get me and my crazy kitchen equipment addiction and habits and love me anyway. Sandra is an amazing cook and I am lucky enough to steal her recipes on a regular basis. This is one of hers that's often requested by me at her home or by Feyez at ours!! Winter warmer winner and dead simple!

3 Onions chopped
Veg stock cube
Small tin of evaporated milk
3/4 pint water
1 Garlic clove crushed
Salt & pepper to season.

Sauté the onions and garlic in a little oil until soft and add the water and stock cube. Bring to the boil and cook for 20 minutes. Once it's cooked through add the seasoning and tin of evap milk heat through and blitz with a stick and its ready. So simple and so tasty. Thanks Sandra!

Salsa verde

This is a recipe from Hugh Fernley Whittingsall. Lynsey and I went to Jimmys Harvest Festival 2010 with a friend and enjoyed the River Cottage tent, where I had the Mutton Burger and Lynsey had the veggie option. Both were adorned with this amazing salsa. I often hanker after this when I smell a waft of a BBQ.


Mint handful
Parsley handful
Heap tsp capers
Heap tsp Dijon mustard
2 cornichons
Anchovies fillets x 4 and oil
And little olive oil to taste
Red wine vinegar blitz in a food processor or roughly chop and mix together on a large chopping board and taste to season

Smear this over grilled chicken, fish, steak, lamb chop or as Hugh did a big fat juicy homemade burger.


Chorba is a Tunisia speciality soup cooked especially for Ramadan however it's delicious during the cold winter months. This is my version slightly changed as I was unable to get hold of the Chorba (small pasta) in the UK to used bulgar wheat instead but Feyez said it was amazing!


1 medium onion chopped
1 carrot, peeled, and finely chopped
500g of chicken or lamb cut into small pieces
4 tbs of barley or bulgar wheat
1/4 bunch of parsley to garnish
4 cloves of garlic sliced or crushed
1 tbs olive oil
1.5 tbs of tomato purée
2 tsp salt
2 tsp of paprika
Half tsp of black pepper
1 tsp ground turmeric
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
1/2 lemon for squeezing
1 tsp Harissa.

Put your oil in a large saucepan then add, the chopped onion, carrot, diced meat, tomato puree, Harissa and spices. Soften over medium heat for 2 minutes, and then add enough hot water from the kettle. Bring to the boil and simmer for 30 minutes.

After 15 minutes, add the bulgar wheat or barley.

Five minutes before the end of the cooking, add the crushed garlic and chopped parsley and spritz with half a lemon and serve straight away.

Halloween & Christmas and all good things to come...

I'm very fidgety at the moment. I have lots of ideas rushing through my mind with thoughts of Halloween, Christmas and upcoming cakey based projects. I've seen this amazing Halloween cake on which I would like to adapt and recreate for the office and I'm also planning my home made Christmas presents with the help and inspiration of Sandra on how to present the gifts. I've also got 3 dozen cupcakes to make for a friends daughters 18th birthday at the start of November so I need to sit down and start making little hairdresser cupcake toppers!! very excited - hope I can pull it off.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Macmillan coffee morning cakes 2012

We had a fabulous baking session for Feyez work and my office especially for this special event. I baked and baked and baked! We could have eaten cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a week in my house. Here are a few pics of my little beauties.

Blackberry Liqueur

Last Christmas my wonderful "Big Sister" Alison gave me a book on home made brewing and a couple of bottles of her own home made liqueurs. Her Damson Vodka and Rhubarb liqueur are heavenly. I then made Nigellas Christmas Vodka with fab success. Lynsey has requested it for Christmas again. So I decided to get experimenting and my first attempt has been inspired by the glut of blackberries near my office in Wembley.

70cl Vodka
1/4 cup Caster sugar
Cinnamon stick
3 strips of Orange peel
250g - 400g fresh or frozen Blackberries.
1ltr Sterile bottle.
Put caster sugar, blackberries (as many as you can get into the bottle so it's half way full. Add the orange peel strips and cinnamon and top up with vodka. Seal the lid and shake until the sugars dissolved. Place in a dark cupboard for a min of one month or the freezer if you want this to be ready quicker. After one month drain into a jug and pour into a clean bottle. This isn't too sweet but its lovely and warming. Great as a little tipple to warm the cockles on Bon Fire Night.

Habibi's Brik

My Habibi (darling) husband is Tunisian and I love to cook his favourite foods from back home. My beautiful Mother and sister in-laws have taught me how to make Brik but I've adapted the recipe slightly. They are the Arabic version of a potato spring roll.

Half red chilli diced fine (more if you like it spicy)
Handful parsley chopped
Tuna (tinned) drained
4 eggs
3 spring onions
1tsp Turmeric
1 garlic clove crushed
Salt n pepper to taste
2 potatoes diced into small cubes and fried.
Vegetable oil for frying.
10 Brik wrappers or filo pastry or spring roll wrappers.

Place the small diced potato in some hot oil and get until lightly golden and cooked through. Drain on kitchen roll and set to one side. Add the Finley chopped chilli, parsley and spring onion to a bowl with the tuna, garlic and spices & mix well. Add the slightly cooled, cooked potato and 4 beaten eggs to bowl and mix thoroughly.

Take the Brik wrappers and place a dessert spoon of the mix in the middle of the edge nearest to you. Roll and tuck the ends in halfway and complete the roll so it's like a little squat cigar roll. Repeat until all the mixture and wrappers are used up and then fry for a few minutes on each side until golden brown. Be careful not to over cook these beauties! Drain on kitchen paper and serve warm. These are amazing! The crispness of the Brik is mind blowing and the yummy centre is lightly spiced. But the proof is in the eating so..... Make it!!!!!

Black Cherry & Almond Friands

Yummy scrummy and easy peasy 
Discovered this delish recipe after Mum bought a friand pan from Lakeland and requested I make them. 
Probably one of the tastiest and easiest bakes I've ever made.


185g butter, melted
125g ground almonds
6 egg whites, beaten lightly
240g icing sugar
75g plain flour
100g Fresh or frozen and thawed pitted cherries.

Mix all the ingredients except the cherries together until well combined. Doesn't have to be smooth. Butter a 12 hole friand or bun tin tray and spoon the mixture in about half way to 2/3 full and top with three or four cherries. Pop into the oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees. Remove when cooked through and golden brown. Delicious served warm with creme fraiche or cold with a lovely cup of tea. They are feather light morsels of scrumptiousness.

The world is my oyster....

After my best friend Lynsey suggested I write a blog for all my baking and cooking experiments, I considered it for a nano second and decided she was right. So my blog is going to be all about my successes and failings in the kitchen. I'll also try to recreate many of my families recipes from the UK and Tunisia and also keep a log of my journey as a frustrated amateur cake baker. Very excited of what I have to show you. Bye for now.