Sunday 28 October 2012

Heheee courgette soup

This is another fantastic, tasty, simple, healthy soup from the fabulous Sandra! I've called it Heehee Courgette Soup because my husband says that's the noise Sandra makes when she's laughing. This I must point out has been refuted by the lady herself but none the less it always makes me smile when Feyez does his impression of Sandra.

3 courgettes chopped
One onion finely chopped
2 Cloves of garlic crushed
Vegetable stock cube
1 ltr water
Salt and pepper
Olive oil or fry spray

Sweat onion, garlic and courgette in a little oil until softened. Add stock cube and enough water to cover. Bring to the boil and simmer for 20 mins. Blitz with a stick blender until smooth and enjoy! Season to taste. If you like your soup thicker use less water and if you like it thinner add a little more :)

If you use fry spray this is free on the SW extra easy plan.

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