Thursday 25 October 2012

Slimming worlds speed soup

Its no secret I'm trying to lose weight and being the over eater and baker I am this isn't easy. But four weeks in and I'm positively evangelical about SW. I found this on my SW group Facebook page. Not sure where it originated from. This recipe is free on the Extra Easy plan and is called speed soup as its meant to really boost your weight loss.

2 tins of toms
1 x tin green lentil
1x tin mixed bean salad or chickpeas
Handful of red split lentils
4x carrots chopped
1 red, & yellow pepper
1 onion
2 leeks
1 tin of baken beans
mixed herbs
1tsp turmeric
2 x stock cubes

Put everything in a large pan and cover with water and bring to the boil and simmer until soft. About 20 mins.

Can be left as a chunky stew or blitz until smooth.

I cannot promise that the volume of noxious gas produced under the duvet won't be increases tenfold but I can promise its full of beans and vitamins and fat busting yummyness.

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