Sunday 28 October 2012

My Perfect Yorkshire puddings and Nanny's roof hitters.

I will confess this is not my only Yorkie Pud recipe, but my other is my Nanny's recipe and is not weighed out at all. It's all measured by eye and feel. I've included the directions for that one below.

6 eggs
1/2pint of milk
260g flour
Salt and pepper
Goose fat

Hot oven 25 mins 180c

Chuck all the ingredients into a large bowl or food processor and blitz until smooth. Then most importantly. Leave it to rest for 20 mins. This will give you a chance to get the tin your going to use nice and hot in the oven. Put your goose or duck fat or vegetable oil. Not olive oil for this. It's got a lower smoking point and will taste bitter when it burns. Then just before your going to pour your batter into the hot smoking fat. Whisk in one ice cube and then pour into the tin or bun tins straight into the oven on high for 20 mins and they will be towering gorgeous purses for your gravy or Golden syrup and double cream! Mmmmmm yummy!

Nanny's Yorkies
2-3 eggs
Self raising flour
Salt & pepper

Whisk eggs in a large bowl and beat in 4 tablespoons of flour adding a little milk at a time to loosen the mixture, keep whisking add a little milk at a time until you get a nice smooth batter the consistency of double cream. You might need more flour but you'll feel it and add a little at a time. Place in the fridge to rest. There didn't seem to be any time restrictions on this. Nanny would often get on with cooking the rest of the roast dinner and then once the meat was out of the oven resting, she would pop the tins for the Yorkies in the oven with duck fat or lard until they were blisteringly smoking hot and then add a tablespoon of cold water to the batter mix and beat in and then pour into the hot fat tins and straight into the oven for 20-25 mins. They used to be massive and once the rose so high they hit the roof of the oven. My Nanny was the best!

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