Friday 9 November 2012

Lotte's Curried Sausage Rolls

I love sausage rolls and more importantly I love Lotte Duncan! She's a kitchen inspiration and what a fantastic cook. I've been lucky enough to go on a few cookery demonstrations at her beautiful cottage and now she has opened up a lovely little cafe Lotte's Kitchen in Chinnor everyone gets to share her delightful cooking.

One of my most favourite recipes of hers is the now infamous curried sausage roll and I have been making these as a regular buffet treat on and off since she first served them too me! They are AMAZING! in fact they are beyond wonderful! So I couldn't write a blog, especially with Christmas on my mind, without including her curried sausage rolls. Lotte makes them using pork sausage meat, but as I am now married to my darling husband, who doesn't eat pork. I have experimented with lamb, chicken and turkey mince all to great success!

500g minced lamb (or minced chicken thighs or turkey breast)
1 large onions diced
3 cloves of garlic crushed
1tsp dried thyme
1tsp ground turmeric
1tsp ground cumin
1/2tsp ground coriander
1/2tsp ground fenugreek
1tsp chilli flakes
Salt & peper to season
Glass of good red wine
A little oil for frying.
Lightly beaten egg
Pack of puff pastry

Soften the onion and garlic in a frying pan with a little oil until soft and translucent. add the spices and thyme and stir well to incorporate and fry for 1 minute to toast the spices really well. Then add the glass of red wine and stir well and leave to reduce until all the wine has been absorbed into the oniony spice mixture. Set to one side and leave to cool completely. I have made this the day before and kept it in the fridge in an air tight container.

Right next get the minced meat of your choice out of the fridge and let it come back to room temperature. You can do this when you're making the spiced onion mix. I'm using lamb in this instance. Break it up a little and then add the cooled onion. Mix really well incorporating all the lovely flavours into the meat. I do this by hand, but be warned you will get turmeric fingers.

Roll out the puff pastry into a large rectangle. Cut in half lengthways. On one half of the pastry spoon the mixture into a sausage shape in the middle of the pastry all the way along. Brush with beaten egg on both sides and roll so the meats totally encased in pastry as you would make any sausage roll. Making sure the seam is faced down cut into sausage rolls - bite sized or bigger I usually work on approx an inch and a half, place on a lined baking sheet and brush with egg wash and repeat with the second rectangle of pastry. Place in a hot oven for 25-30 mins at 200c until golden and crisp. They're maybe oozing but only a little. You can stop this by sniping them with scissor rather than cutting with a knife so its up to you.

Eat and enjoy hot or cold! They freeze really well too if you pop them in the freezer before the baking stage.

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