Saturday 17 November 2012

Roulade don't you know.

When I was in my late teens I used to bake with mum all the time. She was the most fantastic baker and cook and when she was no longer able to get into the kitchen and cook up these wonderful feats I took up the mantle. Requests would come in from the living room and I would deliver with a flourish and smile
from the tiny kitchen. One thing I adored baking was roulade. I'd make one at the drop of a hat and was also know to drive round to chez Flockhart and deliver my offerings. Although its safe to say my masterpiece was not always delivered safely and had been known to roll off the plate and into the footwell of my little VW.

Now this is where the longstanding debate of swiss roll and roulade comes into play. Adamant as I always have been that its a roulade not a swiss roll, it always brings a smile when Sandra and Lynsey remind me of my reaction to the said masterpiece being called a Swiss roll.

Anyway here is my recipe for raspberry swiss roll.

4 large eggs
100g caster sugar
100g self raising flour

Punnett of fresh raspberries or thawed frozen berries
300ml double cream or whipping cream whipped
1tbsp icing sugar

Line a swiss roll tin with baking parchment . Heat oven to 200c
In the bowl of an electric mixer with the whisk attachment whisk the eggs and caster sugar together until its tripled on volume and is at the ribbon stage. Fold in the sifted self raising flour. Be careful not to knock the air out.

Pour into prepared swiss roll tin and bake in the hot oven for 10 minutes until lightly golden and its shrunk away from the edges of the tin.

On a separate piece of baking parchment slightly bigger than the Swiss roll tin sprinkle a table spoon of caster sugar. Invert the cake onto this sugar coated parchment face down and remove the tin. Leave to cool slightly. Gently peel the parchment off of the bottom of the cake. Then taking the short edge of the bottom piece of parchment the cakes sat on bring up the edge and crease it slightly and fold gently the slightly warm cake over approx 2cm. Then using the paper to guide the cake continue to pull the cake over onto itself so it rolls over until you have a nice right rolled cake. Make sure you use the paper to keep the cakes shape. Now unroll the cake. Stir the icing sugar and raspberries into the whipped cream and spread over the cake and roll up again firmly and pop onto a plate removing the paper. Hey presto raspberry roulade sans car floor fluff!

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