Thursday 15 November 2012

Tunisian Couscous

Think you know couscous? think again! The Tunisians main staple is cooked very differently from the Moroccans and other couscous munching nations. Its a beautiful, tomato, spicy, succulent stew made with lamb or chicken, chickpeas, and potatoes, which is then strained over the steamed couscous to give tons of flavour to the bland grains, making them plumptious . My gorgeous Mum in-law makes the most delicious couscous and Feyez' Aunty hand makes her couscous every year and trust me its the most amazing thing you will ever taste! Totally sublime! 

This will serve 4 hungry people! 

500g lamb cut into chunks or left on the bone (you can use chicken thighs if you prefer)
2 onions in large chunks
3 gloves of garlic crushed or chopped
Olive oil
3 long green chillies (mild ones)
4 Potatoes, peeled and quartered
2 Carrots peeled and chopped
1 tin of chickpeas, rinsed and drained
2 tablespoons of tomato puree
½ bottle pasata
Stock cube (any flabour meat or vegetable one is fine)
2 teaspoons of harissa
2 teaspoons of paprika
1 teaspoon of tumeric
1 teaspoon of ground coriander
1 teaspoon of ground cumin
Salt and pepper
2 or 3 cups of couscous (I use a teacup or a small mug) Remember Couscous swells and more than doubles in size.

Season the meat and onions, garlic and the spices and fry in olive oil
Add the tomato puree, pasata and harrisa with a little water and cook for 5 mins
Add the vegetables, and chickpeas to the pot with enough water to cover everything in the pot and bring to the boil
In a bowl place the dry couscous and 4 tbsp water and mix well with your hands so the grains are moistened – then do the same with a drizzle of good olive oil. Once the grains of couscous have been coated place the damp couscous in a colander that fits over the pan of lamb stew. I use a steamer that fits over my saucepan (the same one I steam my Christmas pudding in)
Cover with a lid and steam for around 30 minutes - whilst the stew is bubbling away at a steady simmer 
Add the whole chillies split down the middle with the stalk intact, to the pot for the last 10 minutes of cooking time
Empty the couscous into a large bowl and fluff with a fork. Then using the same colander, drain the stew liquid over the couscous and stir the liquid into the couscous and leave for 5 minutes.
Place the couscous in to a large serving dish and then arrange the meat and vegetables over the couscous and serve

You could also make this with fish or seafood. With Squid or Octopus I would make the stew and add the squid the twenty minutes of cooking to poach and the same with any good white fish cut into large chunks. Just be careful not to over cook the fish. 

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