Sunday 25 November 2012

Cooking up a storm

I've decided to do something in 2013 I have often thought of doing before, but never actually really believed I would or could do, but thanks to this blog and Mum's legacy in giving me such a wonderful warmth and passion of cooking for the people I love, I'm going to take the plunge. I have a LOT of cook books. Not a few or a few dozen, but easily creeping into the hundreds. I've got some wonderful treasures passed down from Nanny and Mum, with beautiful handwritten notes and recipes and of course I've got my favourite chefs too. So I've decided that starting now, I will chose a book and cook every recipe from it I possibly can before moving onto the next one and I will record my progress on this blog. Now because of Feyez and his non-piggy eating habits. I won't be making any pork dishes, but where I can I will substitute other meat in its place such as veal or chicken. I've also promised myself I wont buy any more books until I've completed cooking the first book. So here goes, wish me luck! I've randomly chosen my first book and its Nigella's Kitchen and I cannot wait to start making my shopping list and get the oven on!

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