Wednesday 7 November 2012

Slow Cooker Beef in Red Wine Stew

I love my slow cooker and at this time of year when the heating is turned up and the frost covering the garden makes a nice crunch, when I go to let the chickens out and give them their breakfast, I know its time to dust off the slow cooker and get it on! Last night I made a sumptuous beef and red wine casserole which I left on over night, so when we woke up this morning the kitchen smelled amazing. You could also prepare this the night before and put the cooker on before you leave for work so you come home to a hot meal.

500g Beef Stewing Steak
3 carrots grated
2 large onions chopped
2 leeks chopped
Half head of celery chopped
2 Stock cubes or bovril
4 fat cloves of garlic sliced
1tsp Tumeric
1 whole chilli. Slit down the middle but keeping the top intact.
1/2 bottle good red wine
1 Bottle of passata
1tsp Oregano

Throw everything in together, layering the veg and the meat and giving everything a really good stir before turning it on. It will be fairly watery but as its going to be cooking for a long period it means it wont dry out and all the flavours will be in this yummy liquor. I placed it on setting 1 for approx 8 hours overnight, but you could do all the prep the night before and switch it on in the morning on your way out of the door.

I am serving it tonight with wholegrain mustard mash as all the veg is in it but if you wanted to do a complete dinner you could add peeled potatoes to the pot and these will cook along with everything else and have a complete meal ready and waiting for you.

You can add or detract whatever you wish from the above. Swap beef for lamb or chicken thighs (the chicken won't take as long to cook) red for white wine, whatever veg you like and herbs you fancy. The chillies give the stew a nice warmth without the full on heat but if you prefer more punch then chop the chillies and add them or if you prefer omit them completely.

I don't brown my meat as I would if I was making a stove top/oven casserole, for no good reason other than I am lazy and it tastes just as good in my opinion.

The reason I grate the carrot is Feyez and I loath cooked carrot and this means the carrot melts into the stew  and gives the dish a lovely rounded flavour whilst being hidden. Turmeric is a super food and has so many health benefits I won't bore you with them all but fabulous for arthritis and colds and chest complaints.

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