Wednesday 7 November 2012

What I do with my Mash Potato

I know you don't need a recipe for mash potato but I do have one and so I wanted to share it and I also thought I would share Mum's variations as well. Apparently I was a good eater but went through a "don't like  it" stage for all the foods I had eaten without quibble before. Mum conned me by calling them exotic names and I was fooled. But then as a little girl I was a vain little thing and Nanny and Mum used to tell me with every mouthful of cabbage, kale or brussels that my eyes sparkled and by the time I cleaned my plate they were shining like diamonds.

Good boiling spuds like Maris Piper or King Edward etc.
Salt & pepper

I make my mash using a potato ricer and I can't tell you how amazing it makes your mash. I don't peel my potatoes at all. Just slice them in half and boil them until cooked through  Then pop them in the ricer and squeeze into a bowl. The skins stay in the ricer and I just flick it out with a spoon as I go. Add butter, milk and seasoning. Voila.

I also like to add crème fraiche instead of butter for a lovely creamy mash. Great with Sausages or stew or a nice steak.

For a blue cheese mash I add St Angur cheese - fantastic with roasted chicken legs and a salad for a speedy supper.

Sunshine mash - Add cooked carrots / swede to the potatoes and rice as above.

Shamrock mash - Add cooked mashed broccoli to the potatoes for a bright green mash.

Mustard mash - Add a dessert spoon of mustard, Wholegrain or Dijon. Really good with grilled lamb or chicken.

Cheesy melting middles. Cube some cheese - cheddar or mozzarella (the mozzarella pearls are good) work well. Chop up some herbs parsley or basil are good. mix the herbs in the mash and then roll into slightly bigger than golf balls. Push the cheese into the middle and build up so it covered in the mash and them flatten slightly into patties. Chill and then cook as above in the frying pan or you can brush them with a little butter and cook them in the oven until golden brown and serve with a nice salad. 

Corned beef potato cakes/croquettes - mash corned beef in with some chopped spring onions and mash potato and form into little patties and chill in the fridge to firm up. Then shallow fry them until golden and heated through. Serve with brown sauce and a tomato salad.

Tuna fish cakes - mash a tin of tuna, a finely chopped red chilli, spring onion and add to the mash potato mix well and form into sausage shapes or patties. Chill and cook as above.

Cheese Potato Pie - Add a nice strong cheddar to your mash and pop in an oven proof dish - sprinkle with cheese and wait until its golden. Mum used to also put baked beans on the bottom of the dish to make it go further and be a more filling meal. - See Cowboy Pie for variation.

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